Help Videos

Powerful software for extracting Google's "People Also Asked" questions and raw search insights directly from the minds of your customers!

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Software Installation

Video 1 - Install on a windows PC computer

Video 2 - Install on a Mac computer


Video 3How to manage computer installs

Video 4People also asked extract tool

Video 5Extracting PAA questions inside browser

Video 6Generating PAA trees and how to use the PAA Question Tree tool

Video 7How to create PAA trees and files with the bulk PAA input tool

Video 8How to change country and language

Video 9How to get free estimated search volume data

Video 10How to import free search volume data

Video 11How to get your Keywords Everywhere API key

Video 12How to get the URL metrics from Keywords Everywhere

Video 13How use the Keywords Everywhere tool to get seach volume data

Video 14How to change color theme inside built-in browser and AI Generator HTML editor

Video 15Opening multiple instances of the software

Video 16Insight Generator tool

Video 17Insight Generator tool - added new modifiers

Video 18 - Group Generator tool

Video 19 - AI Generator tool

Video 20 - AI Generator tool - new tone of voice feature

Video 21 - AI Browser tool

Video 22 - Changing settings

Video 23 - How to get your OpenAI API key

Video 24 - Filtering data and saving data files

Video 25 - How to generate content using all major AI engines for free

Video 26 - How to send feature suggestions, feedback or testimonials from inside the software

Video 27 - New modifiers editor update for Version

Video 28 - New content length settings update in the AI Generator tool for Version

Video 29 - New WordPress blog posting tool for version

Video 30 - New AI image generator tool for Version

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AppBreed software provides result-based internet marketing products, services, training and software applications designed to accelerate your ability to be successful online.

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Dave Guindon

Owner / Developer

Thanks for your kind interest in my software and congratulations for taking action! Refer to the help videos on this page to quickly get started with your software. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Thanks again,

B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering
M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Software Developer/Webmaster
Online Marketing Entrepreneur

Dave Guindon © 2024 Copyright by AppBreed of Innantech Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved.